vendredi 9 octobre 2009

Murphy's Law

Tiens il me suffit de pondre un billet sur LOTW pour que ça coince.
En réinstallant mon PC Portable, j'ai voulu récupérer certificat tq6 à partir du backup "P12" selon la procédure...

et PAF : Your certificat has expired...

Pas glop du tout ç pas me fends d'un mail chez nos amis de l'ARRL et on me répond qu'il y a des soucis sur la gestion des certif' en ce moment...


At this time we are unable to process Trusted QSL certificate requests or renewals.

Our software team is working to fix the problem as quickly as possible.

All other features of LoTW are functioning without issue. You may upload signed log files (TQ8) and apply for awards using LoTW.

If you have uploaded a TQ5 certificate request it will remain in the queue until we receive further instructions from the software developers.

New users who have been mailed postcards will not receive a TQ6 via e-mail until the processing software is repaired.

We are aware of the “certificate expired” message that you may receive when trying to save certificates or load previously saved PKCS#12 (.p12) files.

The problem originates from the LoTW side of the service and there is not much the user can do to remedy the situation.

· Please do not renew or delete certificates.

· Please do not delete files or re-install Trusted QSL programs.

· Please do not change anything on your end.

We will inform the LoTW community via global e-mail when the certificate processing has been restored.

We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience as we try to resolve this issue.>>

Pas moyen donc de réinstaller mon certificat, ni même d'en demander un nouveau pour l'instant...

LOTW Users, c'est pas le moment de planter vos machines, ou bien de vouloir faire le ménage comme moi....

Stay tuned for further informations....

9/10/09 : j'ai reçu par email un nouveau certificat tq6, qui une fois installé, fonctionne parfaitement....
J'ai uploadé mon 3101ème QSO le 11 octobre

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